Unilateral Confidentiality Agreement
(Pro-disclosing Party)


This confidentiality agreement template is for use in connection with a commercial transaction where only one of the parties will be disclosing confidential information. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and alternate clauses. This template is drafted with terms that favor the disclosing party. It is a one-way confidentiality agreement that only protects the information of the one of the parties (the disclosing party). In this template, the disclosing party is defined broadly and includes a general description of the purpose for which the information is being provided, which will result in more information being covered under the agreement. For a full listing of related confidentiality content, see Confidentiality and Non-disclosure Agreements Resource Kit. For a shorter version of this template containing only basic provisions regarding the disclosure of confidential information, see Unilateral Confidentiality Agreement (Short Form, Pro-disclosing Party). For an agreement where both parties are disclosing confidential information, see Mutual Confidentiality Agreement. For additional guidance and materials related to confidentiality, see Confidentiality Agreements and Confidential Information Protections.