Title Survey and Objection Letter


This title objection letter template is for use by a prospective buyer of real estate to object to title to the subject property and to notify the seller it must resolve or correct such objections before closing on the property. This template includes practical guidance and drafting notes. The objection letter will generally be provided by the buyer's counsel and states any objections that arise from the buyer's review of the commitment to title insurance and preliminary survey of the property. It is essential for a buyer to advise the seller of any objections to title in a timely manner or else, in some circumstances, it may be required to accept the property subject to such matters and potential title defects. For a full listing of key content covering title insurance and survey, see Title Insurance and Survey Resource Kit (Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale) (National and Select States). For additional guidance on title due diligence, see Due Diligence Review in Commercial ...