Romance in the Workplace Policy


This template is a Romance in the Workplace policy that helps employers regulate relationships in the workplace to minimize the risk of discrimination, sexual harassment, and retaliation claims and liability. It contains practical guidance, drafting notes, and alternate and optional clauses. This template is intended for private employers. Employers may include this policy in an employee handbook, distribute it to new employees during the onboarding process, and incorporate it into employee discrimination and harassment training. For a non-jurisdictional employee handbook, see Employee Handbook. Its language complies with Illinois and federal law. It does not differ from the non-jurisdictional Romance in the Workplace Policy, except that it contains practical guidance, drafting notes, and alternate and optional clauses that address issues under both Illinois and federal law. For a full listing of key content covering employee handbook considerations, see Employee Handbook Resource Kit. For more information relating to romance in the workplace, see Office Relationship / Fraternization Policies: Key Drafting Tips; Office Relationship Contracts: Drafting "Love Contracts"; Office Relationship Contract ("Love Contract"); Harassment Claim Prevention and Defense; Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation State Practice Notes Chart; Anti-harassment Policy (with Acknowledgment); the Equal Opportunity column of the Employment Policies State Expert Forms and Checklists Chart. For information on state laws concerning privacy and off-duty conduct, see Employee Privacy State Practice Notes Chart and Off-Duty Conduct and Lawful Activities Discrimination State Law Survey.