Religious Accommodation Policy


This template is a Religious Accommodation Policy (CA) that covers key topics for religious accommodations by California employers, including notice and other employer obligations. It contains practical guidance and drafting notes. This template is intended for private employers. Employers may include this policy in an employee handbook or distribute it as a standalone policy. Its language complies with California and federal law. It does not differ from the non-jurisdictional Religious Accommodation Policy, except that it contains practical guidance and drafting notes that address issues under both California and federal law. For a non-jurisdictional employee handbook, see Employee Handbook. For an employee handbook supplement for California employers containing customized workplace policies based on California state and local laws, see Employee Handbook Supplement (CA). For non-jurisdictional information on religious accommodation in the workplace, see Religious Accommodation Requirements, and Holiday Policies: Key Drafting Tips. For a full listing of key content covering employee handbook considerations, see Employee Handbook Resource Kit. For information on religious accommodation in California, see Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (CA) — Religion-Related Protections, California Employment Law § 41.52, and Employment Discrimination Laws Comparison Chart (CA and Federal). For non-jurisdictional religious accommodation policy templates, see Religious Accommodation Policy. For non-jurisdictional templates related to religious accommodation in the workplace, see Holiday Policy (Including Religious Accommodation Provision), Religious Accommodation Request (Title VII), and Religious Accommodation Request Resolution (Title VII). For more guidance on antisemitism or Islamophobia in the workplace, see Antisemitism in the Workplace: Employer Strategies Checklist and Islamophobia in the Workplace: Employer Strategies Checklist. For state-specific templates on religious accommodation, see the Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation State Expert Forms and Checklists Chart and the Equal Opportunity column of the Employment Policies State Expert Forms and Checklists Chart.