Proof of Service Affidavit
(Claim of Mechanic's Lien) (CA)
This proof of service affidavit, which must be completed and signed by the person serving the claim of lien or mechanics' lien (including the notice of mechanics' lien), and must accompany the claim of lien or mechanics' lien when it is submitted for recording. (See Cal Civ Code § 8416). This template provides practical guidance and drafting notes. The proof of service affidavit must include the date, place, and manner of service and facts showing that the service was made in accordance with Cal Civ Code § 8416. The affidavit must show the name and address of the person or persons upon whom a copy of the mechanics' lien and the notice of mechanics' lien was served, and if appropriate, the title or capacity in which such person or persons were served (Cal Civ Code § 8416). For a full listing of key content covering mechanic's liens, see Mechanic's Lien Resource Kit. For additional guidance on mechanic's liens, see Mechanic's Lien Resource Kit (CA) and Mechanic's Lien Checklist (CA).