Predictive Scheduling Policy
(with Acknowledgment) (Chicago)


This template is a Predictive Scheduling Policy for covered establishments. It complies with the Chicago Fair Work Week Ordinance which is aimed at ending unfair and unpredictable scheduling practices for covered employees working in Chicago. Chicago, Illinois, Code of Ordinances § 6-110-010 et seq. This template includes practical guidance and drafting notes. This template is intended for private employers. Employers may use this policy in an employee handbook or distribute it as a standalone policy. For a non-jurisdictional employee handbook, see Employee Handbook. For more information on the Chicago Fair Work Week Ordinance, see Compensability of On-Call Time in Wage and Hour (IL) — On-Call Time and Chicago's Department of Business and Consumer Protection website, For a survey summarizing state and local laws that impose predictive scheduling requirements, both within and beyond the state of Illinois see Predictive and Flexible Scheduling Laws State and Local Law Survey.