Paid Sick Leave Policy
(with Acknowledgment) (AL)


This template is paid sick leave policy (with acknowledgment) for use in Alabama. Employers may include this policy in an employee handbook or distribute it as a standalone policy. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and alternate and optional clauses. It is intended for private employers. Presently, Alabama does not have state specific sick leave policies governing private employers. However, if an employer promises to pay sick leave, then it must honor its promise. As a result, this template does not differ from the non-jurisdictional Paid Sick Leave Policy (with Acknowledgment). For information on state laws concerning sick leave, see the "Family, Medical, Sick, Pregnancy, and Military Leave" column of Attendance, Leaves, and Disabilities State Practice Notes Chart. For information on drafting paid sick leave policies, see Sick Leave Policies: Key Drafting Tips, Paid Sick Leave Policies Checklist (Best Drafting Practices for Employers), Paid Time Off (PTO) Policies: Key Drafting Tips and Attendance, Time-Off, and Leave of Absence Policies: Best Drafting and Administration Practices. For another model sick leave policy, see Sick Leave Policy. For a paid leave policy that is not limited to sick days, see Paid Time Off (PTO) and Sick Days Policy. For a full listing of key content that can be used by in-house counsel to develop, revise, and implement a company's employee and third-party-related policies, see In-House Company Policies Resource Kit.