Off-Duty Conduct Policy
(with Acknowledgment) (TX)


This template is an off-duty conduct policy for use by an employer in Texas to regulate an employee's off-duty conduct. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes and optional clauses. Policies restricting off-duty conduct must be evenly enforced and should focus on the effect the off-duty conduct has on the employee's job performance. Employers may include this policy in an employee handbook or distribute it as a standalone policy. It has been customized to comply with Texas and federal law. As a result, the text of this template differs from the non-jurisdictional Off-Duty Conduct Policy template. The practical guidance, drafting notes and optional clauses address issues under both Texas and federal law. For a state law survey on employees' off-duty conduct, see Off-Duty Conduct and Lawful Activities Discrimination State Law Survey. For a protest and political activity policy, including off-duty conduct, see Political and Protest Activity Policy. For an article on Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests and other protest and political activities, see Protests Present Employers with New Workplace Hurdles. For a full listing of key content covering employee handbook considerations, see Employee Handbook Resource Kit.