Objections and Responses to Interrogatories
(Single-Plaintiff Discrimination Case) (Defendant to Plaintiff)


These objections and responses to interrogatories are by a defendant in a single plaintiff employment discrimination case. This template contains drafting notes and alternate clauses. Fed. R. Civ. P. 33(b) requires that a party serve written objections and/or responses within 30 days of being served with interrogatories. Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 33(d), a defendant may also refer to business records in response to an interrogatory. The defendant must verify its responses under oath. Fed. R. Civ. P. 33(b)(3). This template includes sample objections and responses to a plaintiff’s interrogatories, along with a verification page and certificate of service. It is intended for private employers. These objections and responses to interrogatories are based on federal law and do not address all potential state law distinctions; thus, you should check any relevant state and local laws. For Practical Guidance Labor & Employment resources on all facets of employment litigation discovery, see Employment Litigation Discovery Resource Kit. For other templates concerning interrogatories and document requests, see Employment Litigation – Discrimination and Retaliation and Employment Litigation – Wage and Hour. See also Interrogatories (Trade Secret Misappropriation and Breach of Restrictive Covenant Action) (Plaintiff Employer to Defendant) and Document Requests (Trade Secret Misappropriation and Breach of Restrictive Covenant Action) (Plaintiff Employer to Defendant). For relevant practice notes, see Employment Discrimination Litigation: Defending Single-Plaintiff Cases — The Written Discovery Process and Strategies and Discovery on behalf of Plaintiffs in Trade Secret Misappropriation and Breach of Restrictive Covenant Actions.