Notice of Void Non-Compete Agreement or Clause
This notice of void non-compete agreement or clause informs current and former employees of a void non-compete clause or agreement, as required by California Business & Professional Code § 16600.1. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and an alternate clause. This template is intended for private employers. It is based on California law. For more information on non-compete provisions in California, see Restrictive Covenants (CA) and California Employment Law § 70.09. For a model California non-compete agreement, see Non-competition Agreement (CA). For additional information on non-compete agreements, see Non-compete Agreements: Key Negotiation, Drafting, and Legal Issues; Non-compete Agreements Checklist (Best Drafting Practices for Employers); Restrictive Covenant Basics, Including Adequate Consideration, Protectable Interests, Geographic and Time Restrictions, and Permissible Scope; Restrictive Covenants: Drafting Common Provisions; and Non-compete and Non-solicitation Agreements Checklist (Addressing Suspected Violations). For information on state laws concerning non-compete agreements, see Non-competes and Trade Secret Protection State Practice Notes Chart. For state law compliant non-compete agreements, see Non-competes and Trade Secret Protection State Expert Forms Chart.