New York Health and Essential Rights Act (NY HERO Act) Plan and Policy
(with Acknowledgment)


This template is a New York Health and Essential Rights Act (HERO Act) plan and policy that complies with the NY HERO Act's requirement that employers adopt an airborne infectious disease exposure plan. This template is intended for private employers. It includes practical guidance and drafting notes. Employers must post their plan at the worksite and incorporate the plan into an employee handbook, if any. This template is based on the non-industry specific model plan issued by the New York Department of Labor (NYSDOL) on the NYDOL's website. Industry-specific plans are also available on the NYDOL's website for the following industries: • Agriculture • Construction • Delivery services • Domestic workers • Emergency response • Food services • Manufacturing and industry • Personal services • Private education • Private transportation –and– • Retail For a full listing of key content covering employee handbook considerations, see Employee Handbook Resource Kit. For information on the NY ...