Christopher Maia and Sean Howarth, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs-Respondents, v. IEW Construction Group, Defendant-Appellant., 257 N.J. 330


HOLDINGS: [1]-The Legislature intended L. 2019, c. 212, which amended the Wage Payment Law (WPL) and the Wage and Hour Law (WHL), to be prospective, not retroactive. Thus, Chapter 212 applied to conduct occurring on or after its effective date of August 6, 2019 but not to conduct occurring before then. For claims based on conduct that occurred prior to August 6, 2019, Chapter 212's effective date, laborers could not rely on Chapter 212. Any claims for new damages or remedies added by Chapter 212 could not be brought only as to conduct that took place on or after August 6, 2019. The Legislature expressly stated in L. 2019, c. 212 § 14 that the new provisions "shall take effect immediately"; [2]- Chapter 212 was not ameliorative or curative. It did not clarify existing law. Rather, it added substantive rights including new causes of action, defenses, and damages to the WPL and WHL.