Internship Agreement
(Learning Contract) (NC)


This Internship Agreement (Learning Contract) (NC) creates a North Carolina unpaid internship and helps ensure unpaid interns are not classified as employees entitled to compensation. This Internship Agreement (Learning Contract) (NC) is intended for private employers. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and an optional clause. This template's language complies with North Carolina and federal law. It does not differ from the non-jurisdictional Internship Agreement, except that it contains practical guidance, drafting notes and/or alternate and/or optional clauses. This template also serves as evidence that the relationship qualifies as a true internship that an employer may exempt from applicable wage and hour laws. For information on internships, see Internship Agreements: Major Drafting and Legal Issues. For more information on interns in North Carolina, see Wage and Hour (NC) — Interns. For other state-specific internship agreement templates, see the Other Employment-Related Contracts column of the Employment Contracts State Expert Forms Chart, and the Independent Contractors and Interns column of the Wage and Hour State Expert Forms Chart.