Internship Agreement
(Learning Contract) (AL)
This Internship Agreement (Learning Contract) (AL) creates an Alabama unpaid internship and helps ensure unpaid interns are not classified as employees entitled to compensation. This Internship Agreement (Learning Contract) (AL) is intended for private employers. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and an optional clause. This internship agreement (learning contract) (AL) sets forth the parameters of an unpaid internship. It addresses the criteria that employers must satisfy to ensure that unpaid interns are not classified as employees (and therefore entitled to compensation). This template's language has been customized to comply with Alabama and federal law. As a result, the text of this template differs from the non-jurisdictional Internship Agreement (Learning Contract). For more information on internship agreements, see Internship Agreements: Major Drafting and Legal Issues. For more information on interns in Alabama, see Wage and Hour (AL) — Interns. For information on state laws concerning internship agreements, see the Wage and Hour Requirements column of Wage and Hour State Practice Notes Chart. Videos. For practice quick tips on responding to claims for unpaid off-the-clock time, see Wage and Hour Claims Defense: Responding to Claims for Unpaid Off-the-Clock Time Video.