HIPAA Health Record Access Request


Use this HIPAA Health Record Access Request for an employer-sponsored group health plan to allow plan participants to request access, inspection, and copying of their protected health information (PHI) maintained in designated formats. This template includes practical guidance, an optional clause, and drafting notes. With limited exceptions, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended (HIPAA) provides individuals with a legal, enforceable right to access the information in their medical and other health records maintained by their health care providers and health plans. This includes the right to inspect or obtain a copy, or both, of their PHI, and to direct the covered entity (whether a group health plan or health provider) to transmit a copy to the individual, or to a designated person or entity of the individual’s choice. 45 C.F.R. § 164.524. Individuals have a right to access their PHI for as long as the information is maintained by a covered entity, ...