Flexible Work Schedule Policy
(with Acknowledgment)


This template is a flexible work schedule policy that defines which employees are eligible, explains how employees may apply, describes the types of flexible (or hybrid) schedules available, and sets forth the employer's expectations for employees with alternate schedules. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and optional clauses. This non-jurisdictional policy may apply to employees who work flex-time, part-time, or on a compressed schedule, share a position, or telecommute, including home-based employees and other employees who work remotely. It may be used as a way of protecting employees and customers from exposure during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The policy should be drafted to discourage employees from abusing the freedom that may come with a flexible (or hybrid) work schedule. For guidance on telecommuting agreements (also known as teleworking and remote working agreements), the essential components of effective telecommuting agreements, ...