Family and Medical Leave Policy
(with Acknowledgment)


This template is a non-jurisdictional family and medical leave policy (FMLA policy) that sets forth the rights and obligations of employees taking family and medical leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and alternate clauses. Employers may include this policy in an employee handbook or distribute it as a standalone policy. It is the template for our family and medical leave state policies and has not been tailored for any jurisdiction. Use this template alone or customize it for one or more jurisdictions. This family and medical leave policy is intended for private employers. The template's language complies with federal law. Depending upon the state(s) in which the employer operates, state or local laws may require the employer to offer additional templates of family and medical leave to employees. These laws may cover more employers and employees than the FMLA does. Therefore, you should check state and local ...