Expenses Policy


This template is an employer expense reimbursement policy for use in Massachusetts. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and an optional clause. This expense reimbursement policy describes the types of expenses that are reimbursable, the procedure for submitting expenses, and any documentation that the employer will require to substantiate the expenses. In Massachusetts, employers are required to reimburse employees as follows: • An employee who regularly works at a fixed location and required to report to another location must be reimbursed for associated transportation expenses. • An employee required or directed to travel from one place to another during the workday must be reimbursed for all transportation expenses. 454 Mass. Code Regs. 27.04(4). For a state law survey on business expense reimbursement requirements, see Expense Reimbursement Requirements State Law Survey. For information on drafting expense policies, see Expense Policies (Including Business, Travel, and Entertainment): Key Drafting Tips. For a full listing of key content that can be used by in-house counsel to develop, revise, and implement a company's employee and third-party-related policies, see In-House Company Policies Resource Kit. For a full listing of key content covering employee handbook considerations, see Employee Handbook Resource Kit.