Due Diligence Request List
(Executive Compensation and Employee Benefits)


This template is a due diligence request list that may be used during the mergers and acquisitions due diligence process to obtain information regarding the target company's executive compensation, equity-based compensation, and employee benefits issues. This template includes practical guidance and drafting notes. For a full listing of EBEC issues in mergers and acquisitions and other corporate transactions, see Corporate Transactions EBEC Resource Kit. For compensation and benefits related due diligence checklists, see Due Diligence Checklist (Employment Agreements), Due Diligence Checklist (Incentive Plans), Due Diligence Checklist (Award Agreements), and Due Diligence Checklist (Retirement and Retiree Benefit Plans). For a full listing of key content covering the treatment of employee benefits and executive compensation in the context of a corporate transaction, like a merger or acquisition, see Corporate Transactions EBEC Resource Kit.