Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy
(with Acknowledgment) (PA)


This Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy (with Acknowledgment) (PA) provides a standard drug and alcohol testing policy for Pennsylvania employers. It is intended for private employers. Employers may include this policy in an employee handbook or distribute it as a standalone document. This Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy (PA) has been customized to comply with Pennsylvania state and federal law. As a result, the text of this template differs from the non-jurisdictional Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy (with Acknowledgment). It contains drafting notes and an optional clause. For a full listing of key content that can be used by in-house counsel to develop, revise, and implement a company's employee and third-party-related policies, see In-House Company Policies Resource Kit. For a full listing of key content covering employee handbook considerations, see Employee Handbook Resource Kit. For a full listing of key content covering recruiting, screening, testing, hiring, and onboarding, see Screening and Hiring Resource Kit. For more information on drug and alcohol testing policies, see Drug- and Alcohol-Testing Policies: Key Drafting Tips. For information on Pennsylvania laws concerning drug testing, see Screening and Hiring (PA) — Drug and Alcohol Testing. For a Pennsylvania drug and alcohol testing authorization, see Drug and Alcohol Testing Authorization (PA).