Clinical Research Support Agreement


This clinical research support agreement can be used as a starting point for negotiating and drafting an agreement between a drug manufacturer (sponsor) and an institution taking on responsibility for conducting clinical research behalf of the sponsor. This template contemplates the sponsor providing both financial support (funding for direct and indirect costs) and material support (samples of the study drug) to the institution. This template includes practical guidance and drafting notes. For a full listing of related content about clinical trials, see Clinical Trials Resource Kit. For more on healthcare generally, see First Year Associate Resource Kit: Healthcare and Healthcare Fundamentals Resource Kit. To compare state laws on licensing for a variety of healthcare professionals, see the Nonphysician Practitioners Licensing, Hospital Licensing, Pharmacist Licensing, Pharmacy Licensing, Physician Licensing, and Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) Licensing and Registration Laws topics in the Life Sciences section of the State Law Comparison Tool. For information about master clinical trial agreements, see Master Clinical Trial Agreement. For additional information about clinical investigator agreements, see Investigator Agreement Between Pharmaceutical Company and Clinical Investigator (Letter Form). For information about contract research organization agreements, see Contract Research Organization Agreements.