Acquisition Loan Term Sheet
(Commercial Real Estate, Fixed Rate) (Pro-Lender)


This is a template of an acquisition loan term sheet for use in a commercial real estate financing with a fixed interest rate. This template outlines the terms under which the lender will finance the borrower's acquisition of real property. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and an alternate clause. For a full listing of key content covering acquisition financing, see Junior Associate Real Estate Resource Kit (Acquisition Finance). At the term sheet stage of a financing transaction, the parties negotiate many of the key terms that will govern the deal. Often, the lender then uses the final term sheet as a guide to prepare the loan documents. When reviewing the loan documents, the borrower and its counsel should regularly refer back to the term sheet to confirm that the lender's draft documents accurately reflect the terms that the borrower agreed to. This template favors the lender but includes negotiating tips for the borrower and its counsel. Modify this ...