TITLE 26. INTERNAL REVENUE CODE § 174. Amortization of research and experimental expenditures., 26 USCS § 174


(a) In general. In the case of a taxpayer’s specified research or experimental expenditures for any taxable year—
(1) except as provided in paragraph (2), no deduction shall be allowed for such expenditures, and
(2) the taxpayer shall—
(A) charge such expenditures to capital account, and
(B) be allowed an amortization deduction of such expenditures ratably over the 5-year period (15-year period in the case of any specified research or experimental expenditures which are attributable to foreign research (within the meaning of section 41(d)(4)(F) [26 USCS § 41(d)(4)(F)])) beginning with the midpoint of the taxable year in which such expenditures are paid or incurred.
(b) Specified research or experimental expenditures. For purposes of this section, the term “specified research or experimental expenditures” means, with respect to any taxable year, research or experimental expenditures which are paid or incurred by the taxpayer during such taxable year in connection with the taxpayer’s trade or ...