IPO Time and Responsibility Schedule


This time and responsibility schedule template may be used in an initial public offering (IPO) to set forth the actions to be taken in connection with the IPO, the party or parties responsible for each action, and the general timeline for completing the various actions. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and optional clauses. The company's counsel typically prepares the initial draft of the schedule, with input from the other members of the working group. The schedule will include a comprehensive list of actions to be taken during the pre-filing period, the waiting period, and the post-effective period. For each transaction, the schedule will need to be modified to reflect the particular circumstances of the transaction and likely will require modification during the IPO process as unforeseen timing issues or actions arise. For further information on IPOs and additional templates that may be used in an IPO, see Top 10 Practice Tips: Initial Public Offerings and ...