Claim Transfer Agreement


This claim transfer agreement template is for use by a party purchasing claims in a bankruptcy case. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, optional, and alternate clauses. Bankruptcy Rule 3001(e) provides, among other things, the procedures to be followed when a creditor with a filed proof of claim sells or transfers its claim to another entity. Under the rule, any time that a claim is transferred after a claims bar date, the claim purchaser will need to file a notice of claims transfer. The form notice of claims transfer to use for claims other than for security is Official Form 2100A The notice form is easy to fill out—it lists the name of the transferor, the name of the transferee, the amount of the claim that is being transferred (it is permissible to transfer less than the full amount of a claim), and the number assigned to the applicable proof of claim filed by the transferor. Bankruptcy Rule ...