Disclosure Statement for Debtor's Prepackaged Chapter 11 Plan


This disclosure statement template is for use in a prepackaged bankruptcy case (i.e., the terms of the debtor's restructuring and bankruptcy exit strategy have been negotiated and memorialized in a Chapter 11 plan). This template includes practical guidance and drafting notes. This template has been drafted to complement the terms, concepts, and structures contained in the related template of a Chapter 11. This contains all of the components necessary to satisfy the Bankruptcy Code's requirement of adequate information and provides instructions for summarizing and describing the material information that will allow an investor to make an informed judgment regarding the debtor's plan. It is intended as a general drafting aid and will require modification according to the particular circumstances and the intentions of the parties. For more information, see Disclosure Statements and Disclosure Statement Checklist. For additional resources, see Chapter 11 Plan Confirmation Resource Kit and ...