Pricing Committee Unanimous Written Consent
(Public Securities Offering)


This template unanimous written consent may be used by a company’s pricing committee to authorize the company's pricing decisions in connection with a public securities offering. Typically, the board of directors establishes a pricing committee of the board to approve the underwriting agreement and the public offering price of the shares. This template includes practical guidance and drafting notes. Company counsel should prepare this unanimous written consent if the company's pricing committee will not meet in person to adopt the resolutions to approve offering price, including the underwriting discount, and the underwriting agreement. For templates of pricing resolutions in other contexts, see Pricing Committee Resolutions: Registered Debt Offering, Pricing Committee Resolutions: Rule 144A/Regulation S Offering, and Pricing Committee Resolutions: Registered Equity Follow-on Offering. For further templates related to a public offering of securities, see Initial Public Offerings ...