Distributions Clause
(Preferred Return, No Promote) (Joint Venture Agreement)


This distributions clause may be included in a limited liability company operating agreement (also referred to as a joint venture agreement). This clause includes practical guidance and drafting notes. For a full listing of key content covering real estate joint ventures (90/10 ownership split), see Real Estate Joint Venture Resource Kit (90/10 Real Estate Joint Venture). This clause should be used when a member has negotiated the right to receive a preferred return on a capital contribution and where the other member(s) will not be receiving apromote. The capitalized terms and section references used in this clause should be conformed to the relevant joint venture operating agreement. In this clause, the term "Managing Member" is what is commonly referred to as the operating member of the joint venture and the "Investor Member" is what is commonly referred to as the capital member of the joint venture. See Joint Venture Operating Agreement Drafting Checklist for additional clauses and definitions to be contained in a joint venture operating agreement.